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Showing posts from January, 2025

January Festival Calendar

  A new year has arrived, bringing with it the familiar traditions that keep us grounded and fill our hearts with joy. But this year, let’s do something a little different, let us take the time to be more aware of what’s happening around us. Even in the hustle of daily life, we can take small steps to learn more about the stories and meanings behind each day. Let each day teach us something new about the world, whether it’s a special holiday, a cultural custom, or even a quiet moment in history.  January 1st -  Global Family Day and Z-Day  January 1st isn’t just about new beginnings and fresh starts. It is also Global Family Day, a reminder that we’re all connected family, no matter where we are. For anyone with a Z in their name, it’s also Z Day, a special day dedicated to those with the first or last letter of their name starting with the letter Z. Whether you’re celebrating a new year, family, or your Z-connection, January 1st is packed with meaning!  2nd Jan...

To The End

  TO THE END Wonder is what we do on the year’s last day, Like a spark that suddenly ignites in a quiet room where I sit, About how time swiftly flew unnoticed, Moments that quickly became past, escaping our present grasps.  We say our final goodbyes, To yet another year that comes to an end. A mosaic of highs and lows now only seen as lessons learned. People putting up their yearly recaps, Reminiscing those highlights for the last, The fragments of joys, sorrows and more importantly memories can be witnessed through those reels. It is the dawning of a new chapter, Endings whispering of what’s to come. A blank page, a canvas to be filled to be painted,  As we embark upon the voyage of 2025. Jotting down year resolutions, Promises that are made, ready to be fulfilled. Anticipating that ‘25 will be our defining year,  As we think of from what was to what could be. We ponder about how 2025 will be for us, Only hoping for it to be kind. In the tapestry of time, a future ...

Christmas: A Season of Happiness and Cheer

  You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town… Christmas is a festival of Hope. Our Lord Jesus was born in a manger, on a cold winter night and angels in heaven acclaimed, Hallelujah!!     Christmas is the first festival in the catholic liturgical calendar. The preparation season before Christmas is called Advent which consists of four Sundays each signifying Hope, Love, Joy and Peace. During this period we prepare our hearts and homes to welcome the newborn saviour of the world and receive some presents too. Christmas holds great significance in our history. The Christians would live from Christmas to Christmas. The survivors in the concentration camp of the Nazis only had this festival as a hope that they would celebrate the coming Christmas with their families, this hope kept them alive. This season was a period where everyone found joy despite their hardships. St. Nicolas, often regarded as Santa Cl...

The Origins of Gossip: How Chatter Built Society? (And Still Keeps It Running)

  Source : Whether we like to admit it or not, we’ve all gossiped. Maybe it was at the office water cooler, or with friends in the canteen foyer, or during a family dinner. Gossip is an age-old human tradition that has been whispered, shouted, passed through handwritten notes, and now thrives in   WhatsApp text messages, Insta DMs and never-ending phone calls with your best friend (personal record: three hours and fifty minutes). But have you ever stopped to think why we gossip? Why has this seemingly trivial act of exchanging information persisted for over a millennia of human history?To figure that out, we need to take a little detour into the past. Ever heard of Sankofa? It’s a Ghanaian concept that means “it’s not wrong to go back for what you’ve forgotten.” Essentially, it’s a call to learn from the past, and there’s no better way to further understand gossip   than to dig into its roots.Well, grab a seat then, bucko, and let’s gossip a little about go...