Virtuality can be fun? It's been a year since we have adapted to the new normal and we are still trying to adjust to it. But it seems like we actually miss the good old days as if we are not satisfied with this new normal. Definition of a new normal is subjective but for me, it's nothing but a medium to do work that has now taken a new form. And the new form is the online or virtual mode. Before the pandemic usage of the word, “Virtual” was less compared to how much it’s used now. The Pandemic for sure has changed the world from how it was. Just like most of us, even I thought that all my fun and plans were screwed up because of virtual classes. But I was wrong. I actually had a lot of fun even during the virtual mode and I am still having. The recollection of time spent with family, friends, and on events even though virtually are golden. Staying away from family was hard but one video call would make me realize how much they value me and even a 15 minutes talk would relieve m...
This exclusive blog focuses on the various insights and fun stuff we AICUF peeps have!