''Happiness can exist only in acceptance.''
-George Orwell
The term 'embrace' encompasses a wide range of emotions ranging from love and happiness to inclusion and acceptance.Most commonly it means ''to put one's arms around somebody.'In today's day and age,as much as it is said that technology has brought the world closer,it has also led to mankind distancing himself from his brethren,both physically and psychologicaslly.
Thus,while choosing this year's theme,the first word used in our formula for soulful happiness is 'embrace'.This word which is easy to spell and pronounce is quite difficult to practice.It begins with self-acceptance of our own thoughts and by wholeheartedly sharing them with others,avoiding self-harm and hate.Once this is achieved,we need to recognize,accept and embrace the ideas and opinions put forth by those around us.Here complications arise.In this opinionated world,dissent is the order of the day in forums of politics,education,law etc resulting in shunning opposing views.Thus,the second step is necessary for spiritual growth and mindful peace.
Mahatma Gandhi said,''Be the change you wish to see in the world.'' Only embracing those around you can lead to change,however small or insignificant it may appear to you.
The second word to be followed is 'enhance'.Often,possible candidates are shunned away by corporate bigwigs due to a 'stagnant resume' and 'no visible growth'.Then,money is shelled out to enhance one's looks,career prospects,qualifications etc.But does 'enhance' only mean shallow beautification ? Fortunately it does not.Enhance implies improvement in personality traits for the betterment of one's self and society.The ace tennis player,Roger Federer has revealed the anger issues that he faced as a teen.Thus,he accepted his shortcoming and decided to seek professional help.After sufficient counselling,there was no turning back eventually honoring him with the title of ''World No.1''.
And not just our negative traits,but even our talents need to enhanced through positive means,utilizing available resources.Then it should be shared to enhance other's lives.Imagine if Walt Disney kept all his brilliant ideas to himself,millennials would never know Mickey Mouse.
Everyone has unknowingly or voluntarily participated in the rat race.We guard our ideas,our talents so fiercely,using them only to get ourselves ahead in life.However,doing things for others and forgetting about yourself is the badge worn by a star human being who is one with his/her own being and the universe.
Lastly,the AICUF recommends applying the term 'enable' to your daily routine.Synonymous words are prepare,qualify,approve,endorse etc.Therefore,after embracing and enhancing,enabling is the final step.It can be implemented by taking constructive action to improve unsavoury situations in societal life.Ria Sharma,a social activist from Maharashtra founded the non-profit organization,''Make Love Not Scars'',assisting acid attack survivors by providing financial,legal and educational help and enabling them to lead dignified lives.She says,''When you are in that situation you have two options,you could either return to the comfort of your own life or could try and make someone else's life comfortable.'' 'Enable' aims to empower and make one capable enough to ascend new heights in one's chosen field.
So,as this new academic year begins,here's wishing you luck dearest reader and hoping that you will follow our adage ''Embrace,Enhance,Enable.''
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