EMBRACE,ENHANCE,ENABLE ''Happiness can exist only in acceptance.'' -George Orwell The term ' embrace ' encompasses a wide range of emotions ranging from love and happiness to inclusion and acceptance.Most commonly it means ''to put one's arms around somebody.'In today's day and age,as much as it is said that technology has brought the world closer,it has also led to mankind distancing himself from his brethren,both physically and psychologicaslly. Thus,while choosing this year's theme,the first word used in our formula for soulful happiness is 'embrace'.This word which is easy to spell and pronounce is quite difficult to practice.It begins with self-acceptance of our own thoughts and by wholeheartedly sharing them with others,avoiding self-harm and hate.Once this is achieved,we need to recognize,accept and embrace the ideas and opinions put forth by those around us.Here complications arise.In this opinionate...
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