Indian Education System
Education generally means learning
or rather it is purely an acquisition of knowledge, values, skills, etc.
Policy, in the simplest words means “contract of insurance”. Therefore,
Education Policy means ensuring the education of people.
We all study and talk about
education rights, educating people. But do we ever think about the quality of
education? I’m sure none of us ever thought so.
Considering the fact that we belong
to a country whose education is discussed worldwide, yet we all think that
somewhere there is a loop hole at some place.
I recently completed schooling and
started working as a part-time teacher just to experience this ever widening
field. Coming to the other side of the desk, I realized that, yes, this was
actually what I missed in school and followed the path of usual rote learning.
I feel that the children of this
high-end generation demand more of practical and skill based learning. They
want to go beyond their context books. Education should now modernize itself.
This textual knowledge should now take the form of skill based learning. They
need more of realistic examples for better understanding than just the textual
Every child has their own ability. So, instead of rating them on the
basis of their papers we should consider their caliber and let them explore
their inner self.
It’s time for the education policy
to revitalize itself. It’s time for the Education Policy to bring to practice,
the “contract of insurance” of practicality.
While concluding this, I can think
of the simplest example of the bird. How the bird first lays the egg, hatches
it. Soon, when the baby is born, the bird takes care of it, and when she feels
that her baby is now fit to fly, it first tries to fly with the baby and then
lets it fly on its own, simply because she does not want her baby to just know
the art of flying but rather wants her baby to practice
that art. She knows that once it will lose balance but soon the baby
will learn from its experiences and will fly higher and higher.
My only reason to quote this
example is that if a bird can give her baby the experiential learning, then why
can’t we, as humans give this kind of learning a chance. All that is required
is a little faith in the child and in ourselves. Quality is always more
preferable than quantity. So let’s put some efforts and shape today for a
better tomorrow.
Heemakshi Chopra
University of Lucknow
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