A picture is worth a thousand words. Or so some people think. But was it really enough for you to just see what every SC member looks like? (We’re referring to our awesome pictures on the doors of the AICUF office). We thought so. And therefore, we present to you the ‘legendary’ people who make up the AICUF Team. Serah (President- a.k.a. The bawss!) - I f you’re ever looking to attend a boring conference, take popcorn Serah and a video camera with you. Sarcasm bows in shame when she’s on a roll! She’ll have you rolling on the floor in no time with her comments and expressions. A word of advice: if she’s angry, send her episodes of ‘Superwoman’ (gift-wrapped) and she’ll probably forgive you. Amrita(Treasurer)[Right] - “Amrita paise chahiye...” and there we go! The whole office explodes into laughter. When you’re with Amrita it’s hard not to burst into fits of laughter. She always has an interesting experience t...
This exclusive blog focuses on the various insights and fun stuff we AICUF peeps have!