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Showing posts from 2014

The Unheard, The Unseen

Mommy, today I scraped my knee, I bawled more than it hurt, I didn’t want to be sent to Doctor Uncle, I needed your arms around me. Daddy, today I crashed my bicycle, If I said I didn’t do it on purpose I’d be lying, I didn’t want the new cycle you ordered, I wanted you to scream at me. Mommy, I didn’t eat today, I hoped you would notice this time, And you did, but you sent the maid in with the tray. I wished it were you who were feeding me. Daddy, I detest this camp you sent me to. The land is foreign and their ways strange. I break every rule hoping they’d call you, I had hoped we’d stay home instead, just us- family. I swallowed all the pills in the bottle, My last attempt to get you to hear my plea; No, I won’t let the psychiatrist help me, Why can’t you be here, talking with me?

The Abandoned Alleyway

He picked a spare tire ,  Ran with it, as it rolled downhill She played footsie with a plastic bottle . cheerful, notoriously, dodged people, Upto a dingy alleyway . The abandoned alley seemed rather disturbed today. Noisy sirens going off , L'il brother in the arms of a stranger , As they paved their way through the  crowd, The unfortunate events unfolded. Beaten black and blue , Their mother lay there, lifeless. The father struck by a glass bottle, dead. The parents , victim of their vices ; The children collateral damage, instead.

The Child I Want To Be

He giggles, I cough Both breathless. He smiles with joy, I grimace, struggling.            She laughs, carefree I sob, cornered by anguish. I long for them hands That caress, not slap I yearn for those eyes That fill my soul with love I cry for the one, who greets me with a hug And not an indifferent shrug. When I walk in the park, for alms Ten so far, ‘Good day!’ I think Then I see him jump on his dad’s shoulder And my chest becomes this giant boulder Weighing my spirit down. I blink Back the tears, try to stay calm. I want to laugh too, I want to play I want to have someone who makes my day I want some cake, chocolate and plum Carrying rocks all day makes my hands numb Hope is dwindling: is this how I die? Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. This day is nothing but bleak By I will act, if not speak Come tomorrow, come my child I refuse to abandon you to the...

The Survivor

It’s one of those days again where my whole body aches. He beat me up when I started crying and wailing, afraid that it would attract the neighbours. So here I am. All alone and locked up in this dark room. A sliver of sunshine struggles to enter through a tiny crack in the window. It warms up the room and makes me feel a little better. Today is one of those bad days because some of my wounds are bleeding. There’s something very unforgiving about a leather belt on a child’s bare back. I am his secret. A body that he can use and abuse whenever he likes. At least today he didn't ask me to come with him to the bedroom. I often wonder about what’s like to have a loving parent. It’s difficult to because I live with a man whom I am supposed to call Father. I am 12 years old now and ever since I can remember, my life as been nothing short of a living hell. I have contemplated suicide often, because of late, death seems like a sweet escape from this nightmare I wake up to every mor...

Unborn Hope

She didn't scream, though it might have helped douse the fire raging inside. She was required to be meek, to instruct her demons to eternally hide. She was needed in that household, she wished she were wanted instead. She was provided for over there, but she wished she was loved instead. Her story was anybody's guess, It wasn't for herself she lived, so why bother to tell? She was hollow, it scared her to cease feeling; but emotions didn't rise, the tears didn't well. The dynamics changed with the smallest act, A kick, a faint kick from within her. For the first time, in a long time, she smiled, and if you looked closer, you could see a tear. No, she was never loved, But she was grateful for a chance to love instead. She was never wanted, but all despair vanished, just fled. Being a woman was no joyride, but for this she would go through all the pain. She would go through anything for the entity within her, Again and again and again.
A SILENT REVOLUTION Next to the seminar room lies a tiny office (euphemistically speaking). When you reach there, you are greeted by swinging doors and a cluttered mess of papers, charts, crayons, sketch pens and a cornucopia of other stationery all lying in a mess in our cupboard. The students in the office however are blissfully unaware of the chaos that surrounds them. That is only because they are on a mission. Ever since its inception, AICUF has been a harbinger of change urging us to settle for nothing less than justice. It helps us channelize the voice within us that is stifled by a lack of courage. The slogan of AICUF sums up this feeling-We were born into an unjust world and we are determined not to leave it as we have found it. All our activities aim at doing just that. The AICUF choir invites students of all faiths to give voice to their musical talents by singing for the masses on Ignatius Feast Day, College Day and AICUF day. Every year students of all faiths ...

The Other Side Of Us..

A picture is worth a thousand words. Or so some people think. But was it really enough for you to  just see what every SC member looks like? (We’re referring to our awesome pictures on the doors  of the AICUF office). We thought so. And therefore, we present to you the ‘legendary’ people who  make up the AICUF Team.  Serah (President- a.k.a. The bawss!) - I f you’re ever looking to attend a boring conference, take popcorn Serah  and a video camera with you. Sarcasm bows in shame when she’s on a roll! She’ll have you rolling on  the floor in no time with her comments and expressions. A word of advice: if she’s angry, send her  episodes of ‘Superwoman’ (gift-wrapped) and she’ll probably forgive you.  Amrita(Treasurer)[Right] - “Amrita paise chahiye...” and there we go! The whole office explodes into  laughter. When you’re with Amrita it’s hard not to burst into fits of laughter. She always has an  interesting experience t...

President's Note

Across college, students have a slightly twisted impression of AICUF. Apparently, we AICUFers sit and sing hymns/pray in our free time. Now, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. If that’s what you do, that’s fine! (Maybe you want to join our choir?). Hey, it’s not our fault we got an office under the Chapel (big thanks to Fr. Roy!). Just as Xavier's accepts students of all faiths we too welcome everyone regardless of their religious background. Even though we organize the choir for all the Feast Masses (boy, are we good! and yes, I’m tooting our own horn), spirituality isn't the only thing we focus on. We also focus on Social Outreach and the resulting Personality Development. AICUF is all that and much more. To me, AICUF is not just about the social work, it’s about meeting other like minded individuals who share your passions and interests. It’s about interacting with famous and not-so-famous personalities, who have had the courage to fight for the marginalized and to ...