' Praejudicium ', the Latin word derived from 'prae' ‘in advance’ + 'judicium' ‘judgment’ is the root word prejudice. This blog will thus introduce you to ‘The Psychology of Prejudice’. Prejudice is a negative belief about an individual belonging to a group purely based on their membership to that particular group. Pervasiveness and complexity are the two core elements of prejudice. It is pervasive in the sense that it is spread across all cultures, and is directed toward all kinds of different groups in society. Complexity is seen in that the explanatory factors exist at intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, and cultural levels. Thus, prejudice is not simply a preconceived notion about another individual, but a negative judgment that resists change, despite being aware of facts. While we have understood prejudice so far in the context of another individual, negative attitudes, stereotypes and feelings extend to the entire group as well. Prejudice has been...
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