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Showing posts from 2018

Let's be Morning Alarms

The alarm clock wakes us from our slumber, our beautiful dreams back to reality. From kings back to being herds in this sheperdless world. Trapped in utter silence or in the midst of a screaming forest. The world runs into chaos everyday and if there's one thing that makes me wake up everyday into this  furrowed reality, it's my morning alarm. Crying out every morning and waking me up and forcing me to march out of my shelter.       An alarm clock is one of the most important inventions in human history. And it's time that we become morning alarms for those around us. Through every snooze we encounter, let's not stop. Let us ring out and wake those around us to this world. Let's be alarm clocks and spread joy to this world.        It's time that we wake up and respond to the call of help. The earth is crying, its people are crying and here we sitting in our forts and turning a blind eye from them. Let's wake up from this sl...

Morning Alarm

THE MORNING ALARM Oh the pain!!!! That appalling ringing incites! I wake up mentally screaming. It questions my power, my ability to face another day. The only force stronger is my desire to continue getting an education, and then contesting that, is my will to sleep. The days in college are never a bore, always so bright so full of colour! Like minded souls converse with zeal. The ways of commune always open, new and amusing to learn. But what would make this a million times better? If only I could dream this in slumber, and gain attendance after! And now as I turn to glance at the clock, What in Earth, it’s 8 o clock!! As my senses collect themselves , a Friday to be sure and yet, A holiday! Thank the Heavens Above! I feel rage like a demon, this monday morning, that infernal thing ringing like mad. My tired eyes water, or perhaps even tear. Into misery, my sleep dear, shall need to make a quick departure. This unspeakable sacrifice I undertake with gr...

An ode to the morning alarm

What a vocation this wretched machine shoulders! A difficult one indeed! To awaken beings only to receive disdain and cruel words. It’s resonance no matter how mellifluous, Is only but a crow’s caw, An abominable blare, to an exhausted mind. And yet, with such commendable tenacity it chimes ever so faithfully, day after day. Perhaps from this there is a les￾son to be imbibed, or if not, at least a small moment of gratitude, to that little gadget for its persistence, and its threshold to endure.                                          Carol Mascarenhas                                  ...

Tik Tik Tik !!!!

Tik Tik Tik Tik !!!          Suddenly you wake up from your state of deep slumber to this polyphonic sound that you have been accus￾tomed to since years. But have you ever wondered how have we become accustomed to this sound which helps us in starting our day? Almost every person in the 21st century has been using alarms. Some have the traditional alarm clock on their table or some use the application in their smartphones which further comes up with features that make your alarm experience less dreadful. As we wake up to this tone, our brain is notified that now it's time to start your day and from a state of total unconsciousness your brain enters a state of total alertness! There are people who get up  before the set time on the alarm in a state of total anxiety and there are people who wake up past the alarm or don't even bother to wake up after snoozing it. We have been setting the alarm daily before we fall asleep and hit on t...

My Vision For The World

Dark eyes lifted, burning bright Hating hatred with all its might A vision for a beautiful night Where the stars are calm and bright A world full of starry smiles And infinite love for endless miles Where evils not bodies are put away in piles Like lighted candles goodness shines Freeing souls to fly like kites An eternal yearning that never stops to fight  For my vision is fading with a dying heart Past, present and future can never be apart                                      - Afreen khan